Join us at the Wichita Riverfest where CreativeRush will be at Star Lumber Floating Stage for a 1st TUE Talk entitled: DOWNTIME. We will feature panelists: Jenny Wood, Jedd Beaudoin, & Jeff Corbett. Don’t forget to wear your button and we will see you June 3rd at 7p! |
Jenny Wood

Jeff Corbett
is the owner/operator @ Tourbox sound, staging, lighting, backline rental and service.
His touring experience includes:
1996 Mentors, Dead Orchestra U.S.,
1997 Pro Pain , Spudmonsters, Crissis. Europe . foh/ prd mgr.
1997 Gooding U.S. driver, tm, foh, mon, backline/ therapist .
2002 -2010Jimmie Vanzant Band. U.S. tm, prod mgr , Guitarist.
2003 -2004 Rikie Lee Jones U.S./Canada/ Europe/ Japan. personal assistant, personal GTR tech.
2004 Mark lanagan U.S.mon, backline, Personal assistant.
2004 -2005 Asia U.S./Europe foh, mon, backline,prod mgr, assistant tm.
2004 Dio, Asia, Uriah Heep England , Scandanavia. Mon, backline.
2005 Foringer U.S. Mick Jones personal assistant/ GTR tech.
2005 Keith Emerson . Japan personal assistant/ Keyboard tech.
2006 Opeth U.S. foh ,prod mgr. assistant tm.2006 Motorhead. U.S. /, Europe, Mon, Drum tech.
2007 Little Steven Vanzantd Undergound Garage Tour. U.S. New York Dolls, Zombies, Romantics, Moony Suzuki , mon , backline.
2008 Cradle Of Filth U.S./Canada,/Europe./ Scandinavia/Russia.
2009 – 2010 .Warrant. U.S/ Canada. foh,mon, assistant tm.
2010 to present day operations @ Tourbox.