SEPT.2016 – Storytellers fashion and strive to manifest a new way we see the world, sharing a story that haunts, bringing laughter to the every day, or even shedding light onto something tragic so it might actually be able to be gazed upon without perishing. They search for the elusive nuance that will change a thing well known; a slight shift in perspective that has the power to open up a whole new world of understanding to something previously thought well known. New life can be given to a story when expressed with a fresh and authentic perspective.
Featuring Panelists: David Stone, Shaun-Michael Morse, & Delno Ebie
Co-Organizer: John Hammer
Moderator: Torin Andersen
Food Artisan: Fork & Fennel / The Anchor / Douglas Ave Chop Shop
Poster Design: Rebekah Lewis
Photography: Darrin Hackney